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About 1 in 3 nursing home and assisted living residents report experiencing elder abuse.
Elder abuse and neglect can take on many forms, including physical, psychological, sexual, and financial abuse.
If your nursing facility has received a statement of deficiencies or is facing legal action for reports of elder abuse, Diamond Healthcare Services can help.
We can provide abuse and neglect training in Texas to your nursing staff so they feel equipped to handle difficult circumstances and provide excellent care to the residents they serve.
Our Texas abuse and neglect training is meant to equip your nursing staff to feel confident in their job so they can care for their patients and residents with excellence.
The elder abuse and neglect training we provide will:
Nothing matters more than that the people under your care trust the people caring for them. When you schedule abuse and neglect training, the elderly residents you serve will feel safe.
At a nursing home, you’re not only serving an elderly resident. You’re serving their family who is trusting you to take good care of them. Give their family peace of mind by scheduling neglect and abuse training.
When the nursing staff feels empowered and equipped to do their jobs with more confidence and less stress, abuse claims plummet. Schedule your training today.
Elder abuse reports can seriously damage the reputation of your nursing facility. In some cases, it can even threaten your business with a possible shutdown. Don’t wait until a problem occurs. Be proactive and schedule elder abuse and neglect training now.
Contact us to speak with a professional nursing home and assisted living consultant. We look forward to working with you.